Advanced Multi-Purpose Tank Round Changing Armored Warfare: Silver Bullet in American Arsenal



AMP Tank Round

Before AMP, tank round USA Armored Force four types of rounds:

  1. M30 HEAT and M30 A1 HEAT for Bunkers
  2. M908 HE for Light Armor
  3. M1028 Canister for Obstacle Reduction

These are all replaced by AMP round. So the tank crew carries only two types of ammunition:

  1. Uranium Depleted or Tungsten or Steel made rod round called APFSDS round 
  2. AMP round 

The crew set the mechanism of the AMP round in a few seconds, enabling Abraham's tank to kill everything. Northrop Grumman and American Army developers designed it for a superior variant of Abraham Tank called M1 A2 variant from 2020. In the Armenian Azerbaijani conflict, the need for armored columns reduces because of low-cost UAVs and the Security of crew safety. Even American Marian Core slowly argues that they don’t need tanks. But it is not so easy. It looks like the third evolution of tank warfare.



Abraham M1 A2

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