Russia Increases Its Activities in Arctic: New Battlefield of Future





         Russia announced a development program by combining the military and economic aspects. This program is preparing Russia to take advantage of its presence in the region. Russia also leads the Arctic Council 2021-2023. The whole Russian oil and gas reserves respectively 17% and 90% are from the Arctic, so this region is observed as the future battleground for military and economic activities.

"This region has traditionally been and remains in the sphere of our special interests. Practically all aspects of national security are concentrated here: military and political, economic, technological, environmental, and resource," President Putin address during the Russian Security Council meeting on the Arctic region in 2014.

The same year when Russia annexes the Crimea peninsula. The Russian thoughts are in favor of military activities to firm its control over the region as a sub-activity of economic planning. The Su-34, Su-35, and amphibious forces and planes deployed with new airfields and bases are built.                                                    

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