The Three Flashpoints: A Little Mistake Caused a Large Blunder



After observing the Israeli preparation against Iran, the EU is trying to save the Iran Nuclear Deal to cool down the situation. Same thing it is doing in the Russian-Ukrainian crises. The same heat is felt in the South-China Sea. These three main flashpoints could be caused a minor battle into a world war. What are the rivalries doing to clear themselves from the blame of blunder? Is poking each other. The Chinese-Russian military drills in the South China Sea and response Japanese USA military drills. In the Middle East Israel threats Iran and Iran threats Israel. Russia is ready to invade Ukraine if it joins NATO. The situations in Asia and Europe are very pivoting between war and peace. There are a couple of reasons they are cold and why hot?

  • The shifting economy's shape:

The economy of the world is shifting the pole, not the shape. As the world economic power is fastly concentrated in Chinese hands but remains capitalistic. The USA’s ideology is stolen by China and the world is joining hands with China. So this could be a reason for making hot these flashpoints. 

  • Technology:

The second reason for the economic shift is also the technology shift core technology is not under one roof.

  • Geopolitics:

The third reason is alliances and their supporting sub alliances changing world influence and power shape. The world is going to be multipolar. But not for the long term, its return to its original shape, which is bipolar.

  • Geography:

The fourth reason all flashpoints are related to geographical disputes. As:

  • Arab-Israel Territorial Dispute
  • South-China Sea Territorial Dispute
  • Russian-Ukrainian Territorial Dispute

  • Culture:

The last reason only two disputes are related to culture.

  • First Israel-Iran flashpoint as a religious issue. Religion is a part of the culture.
  • The second Russian-Ukrainian dispute is a linguistic dispute. In Ukraine, many people are of Russian origin and speak Russian. Language is also part of the culture.

These are the main reasons for these flashpoints and how they are dangerous.    


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